Oil Gas and Minerals - Agreements
- Exhibit G to Operating Agreement Tax Partnership Agreement US-OG-751
- Consent to Variance (By Adjacent Landowner) US-OG-963
- Agreement Confirming Nonconfidentiality of Information US-OG-420
- Facilities Sale Agreement for Plant and Pipeline US-OG-419
- Amendment and Waiver of Surface Lease Rental Agreement US-OG-922
- Exhibit H to Operating Agreement Memorandum of Operating Agreement and Financing Statement - Form 1 US-OG-752
- Consulting Agreement US-OG-964
- Confidentiality US-OG-698
- Exhibit D to Operating Agreement Insurance - Form 2 US-OG-744
- Consulting Agreement with Former Employee US-OG-965
- Geophysical Permit US-OG-235
- Memorandum of Operating Agreement and Financing Statement US-OG-770
- Escrow Agreement and Instructions US-OG-1001
- Exhibit C Accounting Procedure Joint Operations US-OG-1002
- Tenant's Consent (to Communications Site Lease Agreement) US-OG-1171
- Production and Storage Unit Agreement US-OG-1092
- Lands Excluded from the Operating Agreement For Pre 1989 Agreements US-OG-708
- Letter Confirming Nonconfidentiality of Information US-OG-202
- Gas Processing Rights Agreement US-OG-1011
- Gas Storage Agreement and Lease (Surface and Underground) US-OG-1012
- Confidentiality Agreement (Between Parties Contemplating a Transaction) US-OG-958
- Gas Storage Service Agreement US-OG-1014
- Relinquishment Provision - All offset Wells US-OG-716
- Arbitration Agreement Between Operator and Nonoperator US-OG-722
- Proprietary Technology - Horizontal Well - Restriction on Disclosure US-OG-714
- Joint Use Agreement (Powerline Easement for Fiber Optic Communications System) US-OG-1022
- Stipulation Governing Payment of Nonparticipating Royalty Under Segregated Tracts Covered by one Oil and Gas Lease US-OG-622
- Priority of Proposed Operations US-OG-1091
- Exhibit F to Operating Agreement Nondiscrimination and Certification of Nonsegregated Facilities US-OG-750
- Confidential Letter Agreement (With Joint Venture Party in Acquisition, as to Confidentiality and Noncompetition) US-OG-957
- License Agreement (Permitting Use of Lands for Pipeline) US-OG-1029
- Employee Agreement with Covenant not to Compete US-OG-999
- Limitations on Additional Proposals US-OG-1030
- Marketing of Production US-OG-1032
- Permit Agreement for Surface US-OG-686
- Surface Use Compensation Agreement US-OG-146
- Surface Lease Agreement For Production Equipment and Facilities US-OG-154
- Revocable Trust Agreement when Settlors Are Husband and Wife US-OG-104
- Provisions For JOA 82 Revised US-OG-715
- Billboard Attachement Sublease Agreement (For Wireless Communication System) US-OG-946
- Contract Service Agreement when Seller Continues to Operate Properties Sold to Buyer US-OG-470
- Conflict of Terms US-OG-699
- Surface Lease Agreement For Oil and Gas Facilities US-OG-153
- Non-Disturbance and Attornment Agreement US-OG-1052
- Agreement Concerning Surface Equipment Between Operator and Surface Owner Concerning Construction of Ramps For Circular Irrigation Systems US-OG-144
- Extension of Lease Option Agreement US-OG-1199
- Surface Use Agreement Establishing Amounts Lessee Will Pay For Road and Location Damages US-OG-152
- Accounting Procedures US-OG-692
- Option Agreement to Purchase Property US-OG-1067
- Option and Contract of Sale Agreement (On Lands to be Used for Gas Storage) US-OG-1068