- A04 Letters Testamentary OR-HJ-086-10
- A01 Petition for Probate of Will and Appointment of Personal Representative OR-HJ-086-19
- A02 Affidavit regarding Petition for Probate OR-HJ-086-18
- A03 Order Admitting will to Probate and Appointing Personal Representative OR-HJ-086-17
- A11 Affidavit of Compliance Respecting Search for Claims and Notice to Claimants OR-HJ-086-16
- A12 Inventory of Estate OR-HJ-086-15
- A10 Affidavit of Publication OR-HJ-086-14
- A08 Affidavit of Proof of Mailing Information to Heirs and Devisees OR-HJ-086-12
- A07 Information to Heirs and Devisees OR-HJ-086-11
- A19 Order Discharging Personal Representative and Closing Estate OR-HJ-086-01
- A05 Order Admitting Will to Probate and Appointing Personal Representative OR-HJ-086-09
- A06 Letters Testamentary OR-HJ-086-08
- A15 Final Account and Petition for Decree of Final Distribution OR-HJ-086-07
- A14 Notice for Filing Objections to Final Account and Petition for Decree of Final Distribution OR-HJ-086-06
- A13 Final Account and Petition for Decree of Final Distribution OR-HJ-086-05
- A16 Affidavit of Mailing Notice of Time for Filing Objections to Final Account OR-HJ-086-04
- A17 Order Approving Account and Judgment of Final Distribution OR-HJ-086-03
- A18 Receipt for Final Distribution OR-HJ-086-02