Family Law - Minors - Affidavits
- Affidavit as to Age of Child or Minor US-00488BG
- Affidavit regarding Age of Minor or Child US-01327BG
- Transfer under the Uniform Transfers to Minors Act - Multistate Form US-00992-BZ
- Designation of Successor Custodian by Donor Pursuant to the Uniform Transfers to Minors Act US-00581BG
- Transfer of Property under the Uniform Transfers to Minors Act US-00580BG
- WPF EM 01.0100 - Petition for Emancipation - PTE WA-0959-08
- WPF EM 01.020 - Notice of Hearing - NTHG WA-0960-08
- WPF EM 01.0300 - Order Appointing Guardian Ad Litem - ORAPGL WA-0961-08
- WPF EM 01.0400 - Decree of Emancipation - DCE WA-0962-08
- WPF EM 01.0500 - Order Denying Petition for Emancipation - ORDYMT WA-0963-08
- FJ&S Acquittal - Judgment of Acquittal and Order of Immediate Release from Custody WA-0964-08