The Responsible Party must reside for more than six months per calendar year in the property being offered as a vacation rental. Find 2477 flexible and convenient short-term apartments for rent in Miami.A. The Rent shall be payable in monthly installments on the ________day of each month, with a five (5) day grace period. b. Dade County Court struck down Miami Beach's ban on shortterm rentals, which prohibits rental periods of less than six (6) months and one day. There is usually an early termination clause that is about 4 months worth of rent if its more than 6 months left on the lease. A comprehensive guide to Miami and Miami Beach's short-term rental regulations, along with information about Florida and Miami-Dade's vacation rental laws. Florida's Department of Revenue considers a transient rental as any paid agreement to occupy living quarters that lasts for 6 months or less to the same tenant. Blueground offers both long and short-term furnished rentals in Miami. In Florida, the rental or lease of any living or sleeping quarters is subject to sales tax. As a tenant, you must pay the rent and security deposit and follow all other legal requirements in the lease agreement.