If you submit a proxy in the enclosed form, it will, unless you direct otherwise, be voted FOR the appointment of. If you submit a proxy in the enclosed form, it will, unless you direct otherwise, be voted for the appointment of.A specimen resolution (board or member) to appoint a director to fill a casual vacancy. If the appointment is of an additional director, see Standard documents. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Annual Meeting of Shareholders of Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited (the "Meeting") will be. The Town Hall will be held in-person. I'm also excited to share that I've appointed Falls Church resident Alis Wang to the Fairfax County Planning Commission. Ensure that the form includes complete and accurate signatures of authorized individuals. If you submit a proxy in the enclosed form, it will, unless you direct otherwise, be voted FOR the Stated Capital Resolution. Such other person need not be a shareholder.