(832) 588-6083. Consultations. Please make sure in enter the appointment phone number as 800-746-9464 in Matrix.For Appointment Manager Users. Appointment Type: Property Redemption, Vehicle Redemption, Transport, Pickup. Schedule a consultation below or call 713-522-3333. Fondren Orthopedic Group Headquarters 7401 Main Street Houston, TX 77030 Get Directions View Satellite Locations Appointments: (713) 794-3599 Contact your local office has appointment information to receive services Monday through Friday, a.m. You can opt out of Google Analytics through the Cookie Preferences link found in the footer of our websites. Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). You can now start filling out your application form; Once your application form is completed, review and ensure all information filled out is correct.