Pre-adoption manual, contract and agreement. This form is only for completing adoptions from home after meeting with a foster pet or finalizing from pre-adopt.Use our pet custody agreement template to draft clear terms for shared pets. Create and download your agreement for free! Use our simple form builder to create a pet custody agreement in minutes. Like a prenup, a "petnup," is a premarital agreement that covers what the couple will do in the event of a divorce or separation. Use this pet custody agreement template to create a custody document and determine your pet's care plan. Own is where both the breeder and the new owner retain ownership of the dog until agreed upon terms for payment have been met then. Similar to child custody disputes, divorcing parties may want to first discuss how to best maintain the status quo for the pet(s) postdivorce. You can have a pet custody agreement that states where your pet will live, should you and your partner split up.