Comprehensive guide on the format and template for an annual bonus announcement letter, informing employees about their bonuses. To receive the bonus, an employee must complete a brief form attesting to their qualification.In this article, we discuss how to write a bonus request letter and provide an example letter for you to use as a reference. On behalf of XYZ Team, I request you to award bonus for the entire team since they have worked very hard throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. You can employ a bonus letter template to formally recognize and reward an employee's outstanding performance or the achievement of specific, measurable goals. An incentive bonus agreement is a contract between an employer and employee that details information about a cash bonus offered as an incentive. An incentive bonus agreement is a contract between an employer and employee that details information about a cash bonus offered as an incentive. Autocalculate payroll and pay employees in a blink of an eye. To retain employees, many companies offer incentives. Wages Notice Request – Bonus Pay Employers fill out this form if they are paying some type of bonus pay to affected employees.