HannahI am so deeply sorry for the loss of that childyour lossyou lost her, too. Be sincere and express your feelings of sympathy."I am deeply sorry for your loss. Keep the letter as brief and as short as possible. A letter offering sympathy for the death of a child respectfully acknowledges the reader's misfortune while offering comfort and support. The MLB shared their condolences on Henderson's death, saying they were devastated to hear the news and shared his accomplishments with the league. Dear ones, I am sorry to hear of your 3 sweet babies earthly departure. Born on October 22, 1935, in South Philadelphia to Edward and Alice West, Pearl was the second child and the only daughter in a family of six. In time, and when everyone is able to, there will be more to say. Clara and Florence, please accept my sincerest heartfelt condolences for your loss.