The goal of negotiations between CalHR and each bargaining unit is to reach agreement on a contract covering a specified time period. Collective bargaining, through representatives for the employer and employees at the table, aims to reach a mutual agreement.Collective bargaining agreements (CBAs) are available from the Office of LaborManagement Standards (OLMS) Online Public Disclosure Room. Collective bargaining is a process for employees to have a voice in their workplace and in their employment contracts. Fill out the contact form or call us at 800700WAGE (925) to schedule your free consultation. Employers can implement proposals made in bargaining, and the union can go out on strike. A union contract, or "Collective Bargaining Agreement" (CBA), is the legal document that defines workplace rights, pay, and benefits. California State Employee Collective Bargaining Agreements. The goal of the negotiation is to reach a collective agreement. Step 1 of 4. Instructions.