Review your resume and cover letter to make sure you have specific examples of your experience to share, from clubs or coursework. Thank you for your interest in accepting a University of Utah student from Parks, Recreation, and Tourism (PRT) as an intern.Start with AGGIE Handshake to apply for on-campus (including work-study) or off-campus student jobs and internships. Here, you'll find guidance on constructing and tailoring an employment offer letter template to align with your specific requirements. Eligibility. Prospective interns must be a USU student and have at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA to apply. All majors are welcome. Students can apply directly at RedCross. At the conclusion of the internship and if the intern did a good job, UDSF's CEO will write of letter of recommendation for the intern. We do not offer remote, virtual, or telecommuting internships at this time. The first thing you will need to do is to fill out an application to determine eligibility for a CTE Internship.