It's a short, formal, and friendly letter that announces you're leaving the company and your current role. We've rounded up tips and examples for writing a resignation letter that'll help you maintain work relationships long after leaving a company.Please accept this message as my formal notice of resignation. I am fortunate to have received a long awaited opportunity that I cannot pass up. The Resignation of Officer letter takes just a few minutes to complete, and gives you the chance to explain why you're leaving - or not. Leaving a job isn't easy. A Phoenix police officer resigned his position over radio traffic after dispatchers told him the entire shift needed to stay on the clock to answer more calls. These statutory restrictions are discussed in the Arizona Revised Statues, Title 38, Chapter 3, Article 8, Conflict of Interest of Officers and Employees. That can be useful for legal purposes, as it lays this information out in plain terms. Rine: "33 Henry - I'll be going upstairs to fill out my resignation letter then.