Our blog will show you how to prepare for and manage your board member resignation, to help ensure the organization remains resilient and effective. In the opening paragraph, clearly state that you are resigning from your position.When asking a board member to resign, you must articulate specific instances that make them unfit to continue in their role (i.e. Under the Texas Education Code, contract employees are required to resign no later than 45 days before the first day of instruction for the school year. I am listed in the management records of an entity but I resigned, have been removed, or never consented to be a member, officer or director of the entity. State the Position You're Resigning From With An Effective Date. I'm writing to formally notify you that I'm resigning from my position as Dyersburg City School Board member with Dyersburg City Schools. Call Heather Houston at 7137050018 or fill out the form below. Five board members, including the chair, who do not live in Texas will resign. A candidate for another position on the board has withdrawn his application.