A public officer may resign his office at any time. Officers are advised to give at least one months notice or pay one month's salary in lieu thereof.This letter of intent must reach NAVPERSCOM no less than 6 months prior to the first day of the month of an officer's PRD. 1. Complete the form in duplicate and submit to Head of Department along with attachments. In completing this form employees will be acknowledging in writing that their second job is subordinate to their employment with Nassau County. IV.5 Resignation and Removal of Directors. Fifth, fill out the answer sheet completely. Use the precise title of the examination as it appears on your admission card. Attached is the Annual Report of the Nassau County Interim Finance Authority ("NIFA") for the year ending December 31, 2023. Dear 2019 Spring Intern: There are 7 forms in this packet that must be completed, signed and emailed to.