Post-SOX Governance Changes. What is a Listing Agreement?A listing agreement is a contract between a property owner and a real estate agent who the owner hires to act as their broker. This guide will help you to understand the changes and the proper way to fill out the forms. The Division of Minority and Women's Business Development (DMWBD) has created a one-stop hub for everything you need to know about MWBE success in New York. This Article, the first to address the sharp divide in the governance of American corporations, makes three key contributions. A quick overview of the Massachusetts Association of Realtors exclusive right to sell listing agreement. Companies tend to serve as role models of "good" governance practices, the pic- ture, as this Article reveals, is much different in the far corners of corporate. Clark, Mr. Curtiss, Michael S. Didiuk, Mr. Klein, and Adriana Schwartz. To create a free account, please fill out the form below.