Resources to help you successfully register to do business with Cuyahoga County. A Special Improvement District (SID) is a defined geographic area in which property owners elect to pay an additional assessment in order.The following section provides an overview of the financial, investment, debt, procurement, unrestricted fund reserve, asset management, funding. A friend of mine sent me this formula sheet for AS and A Level business, so I decided to help yall out too. You can find it here. Both our Customer Care Center (1201 Lakeside Ave.) and Call Center (216-664-3130) operate from am to pm, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. I received a water bill even though I was out of town for four months and didn't use any water. In 2016, RTA provided 18.1 million vehicle-miles of service on all modes -- HealthLine, bus, Paratransit, light rail, heavy rail, and vanpools. • The City continued its agreement with the Cuyahoga County Sheriff assuming all jail duties for the City.