Maricopa County offers a FREE and simple solution to Mortgage Companies, Tax Servicing Companies, Developers and other multi-account payers. Purchase Orders in the Financial Management System (FMS).The Arizona transaction privilege tax (TPT) is actually a tax on a vendor for the privilege of doing business in the state. Acceptable forms of payment to this court are: Cash, Credit Cards (Visa, Master Card, Discover, American Express), Money Orders and Checks. Gov or call 1(855)-HEA-PLUS (1-855-432-7587). AZ MVD Now is the official service website for the Motor Vehicle Division. Complete dozens of MVD services online without visiting an MVD location. To help you adjust, Maricopa Community Colleges has put together eight strategies for managing your online classes. Camping. Lake Pleasant Regional Park offers 148 sites for RV and tent camping within the campgrounds (does not including primitive camping sites). Maricopa County participates in the Arizona State Retirement System.