The CPO has authority over state agency procurement Authorized to provide leadership on procurement issues, the CPO may ana. Agencies must also ensure that they use appropriated funds appropriately as stated in the Texas Procurement and Contract Management Guide.The Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts collects management information for corporations and LLCs from the entity's Public Information Report (PIR). The Option Period in Texas is a specified number of days set forth in a real estate contract which allows the buyer to terminate the contract for any reason. Who can sign a document filed with the secretary of state depends on the type of entity, whether the entity is domestic or foreign, and the type of document. Title applications are submitted electronically to county tax assessor-collector's offices. 14. Can a city separate out its purchases over time to avoid the application of competitive bidding or proposal laws? The subtotal of the price for the Options will appear in the Options tab. Teneshia Hudspeth is the County Clerk and Chief Election Official of the third-largest county in the nation and the largest county in the State of Texas. Principally to wildlife management to the degree of intensity generally accepted in the area) (Tex. Tax.