Find a permit, permit guide, records request, public notices, DEQ notices, Utah public notice website, making effective public comments to DEQ. DEQ's Air Quality Management Strategies.Vehicle emissions have historically had the greatest impact on the Wasatch Front's air quality. The State of Utah has until 2019 to bring the PM 2.5 levels into compliance. Buying zero- and low-emission vehicles for state fleets, retrofitting older state buildings to be more energy-efficient, and encouraging teleworking, are just a. The ambient air quality monitoring network along Utah's Wasatch Front and in the Cache Valley meets. EPA requirements for monitoring networks. Here, we discuss what experts and officials are offering as potential solutions, and the obstacles to making them happen. The state of Utah continuing it's legal fight against the EPA's Good Neighbor rule, after losing their challenge of it in federal district court. Improve Utahns' access to clean fuel.