If you could reach out and thank one extraordinary teacher who shaped who you (or where you are) today, who would it be and why? Learn how to write an employee appreciation letter with these templates and examples.Download the template for free (PDF or Word). We invite you to submit a story below to acknowledge the great work of an FCPS employee or group of employees who should receive FCPS CARES recognition. This handbook provides the most current information on the evaluation process. Vacuum leaf service is available only in those areas that already receive trash collection service from Fairfax County or are petitioning for trash collection. Explore some of our most frequently asked questions and learn how to take advantage of the many FCPS services available to you. FHS students will receive an academically challenging and balanced 21st century education inspiring deep questioning and peaceful action. First, you will need to contact the Zoning Department and fill out a Use Permit Application. First, you will need to contact the Zoning Department and fill out a Use Permit Application.