The Meeting will always be held on a Sunday, to be Announced Monthly. Whether closed or open, an A.A. member serving as "leader" or "chair" opens the meeting using that group's format, and selects a topic for discussion.7. Thank the Speaker or Chairperson as well as any others who read. 8. Make regular announcements about group business, events and announcements from The. In most groups, the chairperson or another officer calls the business meeting, which ordinarily is held on a monthly or quarterly basis. Here is a suggested Resume Service Format. Yes. A group can call itself an AA meeting and follow traditonal meeting guidelines and standards, or none at all. The size of the group should be taken into consideration when determining which additional service positions to fill. Go to lots of other A.A. meetings and announce where and when the new, secular meeting of A.A. will be held and ask people to check it out.