The application can be printed and mailed to the admissions department or completed online and emailing the completed forms as described below. Admissions are on a firstcome, firstserved basis.A Military Status Endorsement Card will ensure that your PA driving record remains valid during your enlistment and extended absences from PA. Issuance of a PA Military Status Endorsement Card will assure that the PA Driver's record remains valid during extended military absences from the Commonwealth. All actions will be consistent with the Army's policy on equal opportunity as set forth in National Guard Regulation. As with tax forms there is a correct way to fill out the DD 1351-2, regardless of the type of travel you are performing. Issuance of a PA Military Status Endorsement Card will assure that the PA Driver's record remains valid during extended military absences from the Commonwealth. Recruits wait while clerks fill out Army enlistment papers, ca. 1898. The player is having trouble. We'll have it back up and running as soon as possible.