The procedure is to fill in the leave form and give it to the supervisor. I've been accepted to USAFA and almost have my appointee kit finished, however I never received a physical acceptance letter like the ones West Point sends out.When feasible, a student excused due to military service will be allowed to continue classes and coursework during the academic term. The postcard concerns accepting my appt to West Point, but there is no deadline for sending it in and no information about it in the letter either. In military basic training, there's no such thing as sleeping in. You'll get up at 5 am every single day. Complete the Wake Forest University application for admission on paper or online. The LOA is the government-to-government agreement that identifies the defense articles and services the USG proposes to sell to your country. Send their letter application to Commander, U.S. Army Human Resources Command, Awards and Decorations Branch. Complete the Wake Forest University application for admission on paper or online.