Agendas of City Commission meetings are posted on the City's website the Thursday evening before each regular and conference meeting. Recent Meetings August 20, 2019 – present Action Agendas (Minutes) and Interactive Video Through Legistar SearchOur easy-to-use Board Meeting Minutes Submission Form. Simplify the process of recording discussions, decisions, and action items. Instead, we keep meeting agendas on record and only provide "action points". Juarez noted this agenda item was just an FYI for the Council, with information in the meeting packet. VII. ACTION: Approval of Minutes from January 23, 2023. These minutes contain the action items of the oard meeting of the Early Learning Coalition. Future Actions: Document any action items or follow-up tasks assigned during the meeting, including responsible parties and deadlines. Request Board Approval of the Minutes of the Special Meeting Held on January 19,. 2024.