The role of the board of directors in strategic planning is to set goals and chart a course over a period of several years for the company. This underexplored dynamic happens about a quarter of the time during corporate shakeups, making it a dynamic worthy of research attention.Too many boards just review and approve strategy. Three questions can help them—and executives—begin to do better. The key to a better when is to ban the strategy day and instead have multiple touch points with the board on strategy. Determine the company's material ESG risks and opportunities and how they will impact the current business strategy and plans. From ESG reporting requirements to oversight of new technological advances, here are the key topics shaping the corporate director's agenda. New strategic priorities, remote work, and social pressure are forcing boards to evolve in ways and speeds that they had not before. Board directors can add big value to a company's strategy, but they need something other than the annual offsite and planning process. The Corporate Strategy for Board Members programme aims to deepen directors' understanding of the complexities of this new business landscape.