View agendas, reports, minutes and other materials for upcoming and past meetings of the Housing Authority of the City of San Diego. Agendas are available online, at the City Clerk's office, posted outside the Council Chambers, or at the meeting.Archived Board Meeting Agendas. Access agendas for San Diego County Board of Education meetings conducted prior to Aug. Step 1: Go to Agenda Comment Form Step 2: Fill out Form with your information Step 3: Step 4: Submit Your Comments The Port of San Diego's online agenda and meeting management system offers a variety of features such as: Agenda and meeting information. FRMC meetings are scheduled on the third Thursday of the month at 3 p.m. Look at the agenda, find the item number of the topic you wish to speak on, and fill out the speaker slip with the item number and your name. Meeting agendas are posted to this page at least 72 hours prior to each regularly scheduled Council meeting and at least 24 hours prior to special meetings. Meeting Agendas and Minutes.