The Board of Accountancy schedules all public meetings at barrier free sites. In addition to specifying the date, time and location of the meeting, special meeting notices should make note of all agenda items.Board members should be sure that proper notice is given for meetings, that regular meetings are held, and that members are properly appointed or elected. This page provides a general overview of the Washington State Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA) as applied to local government agencies. A comprehensive, wellprepared meeting agenda can keep things moving along while ensuring all participants are on the same page. Typically, board meetings require less notice of as little as 7 days to at most 30 days prior. Meeting agendas and minutes are available online following each meeting. Meeting agendas and minutes are available online following each meeting. If not included in the nonprofit's bylaws, a quorum is a majority of the board members in office before a meeting starts. You may have already sent out the meeting schedule for all board meetings at the beginning of the year.