The Cuyahoga County Clerk of Courts is the official record keeper for the Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas General Division, Domestic Relations Division. More than 8000 votebymail ballot applications so far have been ruled invalid in Cuyahoga County for missing or wrong information.Cuyahoga County properties are being reappraised. If you think your new property value is wrong, here's how to dispute it with the county. The following application must be completed in its entirety, with the appropriate fee, and submitted before plans will be accepted for review. CVCA is required to have a signed acceptance letter on hand for each student for the scholarship to be applied to tuition. Types of NonPermanent or one test cycle (2 year) Exemptions: OutofState; Student (OutofState); Military. What is a Permanent Exemption? Pick-up and Drop-off Reminders. Readmission Form located on the ADN student blackboard site after the acceptance letter is received.