In this article, we discuss how to write a job offer acceptance letter and also present a template and sample letter to help you get started. Learn how to write a professional job offer letter acceptance mail reply with joining date with an easy format and practical samples.A job acceptance letter lets you outline the details of the job so that you are clear about your role in the company prior to your joining. I am writing to confirm my acceptance of your employment offer on April 20 and to tell you how delighted I am to be joining XYZ Corporation in Chicago. To verify your offer letter, follow these steps: 1. Contact the Employer- Reach out to the HR department or the contact person listed in the offer letter. The Office of Student Enrollment is aware of the issue. The NYCPS IT department is working on it. More Than a College Degree. We ended up mercifully calling it ChatGPT instead, and launched it on November 30th of 2022.