These basic sample offer letters consist of "core" data that should be included in an offer letter. Need help drafting a job offer letter?An offer letter specifies a job offer in the making. With our free template, you can set essential details like salary, job descriptions, and more in stone. In this blog, we will discuss how to write an offer letter acceptance mail as well as provide you examples and the proper format to use when writing one. Here are a couple of examples of job acceptance letters to provide you with a successful format. Here are a couple of examples of job acceptance letters to provide you with a successful format. Please sign and return a copy of this offer letter to indicate your acceptance of the position. Got the call from the LA personal Department and the lady told me I will receive the offer letter in 2 days and paperwork to fill-up. Explain that you accepted a job offer, that the acceptance was in writing, and say who sent you the offer.