Learn how to write a professional job offer letter acceptance mail reply with joining date with an easy format and practical samples. I am pleased to accept your offer to join White Investments as a Systems Analyst.I am looking forward to working with you and your staff. We provide seven job acceptance email templates to help you craft the perfect response, ensuring a formal acceptance of the position. Complete the FAFSA After you accept your offer, complete all required documents and upload them to CUNYFirst in order to begin working. We are a forward-thinking, collaborative organization committed to helping you reach your full potential. Write them back stating "thank you for the offer letter for the XX position. What do I do once I have been offered and have accepted a position? Based on your Supplementary Information and grades, you may be selected for an offer of admission. The York County School of Technology, also known as York Tech, has been providing comprehensive technical education since 1969.