Learn what a withdrawal letter is, how to write a letter of withdrawal and see a template and an example to help you write your own. A sample letter declining a job offer after accepting it can take many forms, but as a rule you should keep it short, to the point, and completely professional.After careful consideration, I would like to withdraw my application for the job. I must now decline your offer of employment. I am going in another direction with my career that I believe is a better fit for me at this time. Do you want to withdraw your application politely? Get application withdrawal tips and a sample email to withdraw job applications. How to withdraw your application for a job, with samples of withdrawal letters and emails, what to write, what to include, and when to send. I am writing to inform you that I am withdrawing my application for the program coordinator position. Below you'll also find a stepbystep action plan about what you can do if they find that their job offer has fallen through in this way.