The Town of Fairfax creates summary minutes to document a record of its public meetings. Meeting Minutes are posted in PDF format; you need the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer to view the PDF files.Master meeting taking with this nonprofit meeting minutes template. Learn exactly how to keep track of the discussion and what to avoid. Board meeting minutes serve as legal protection for your nonprofit organization. First, I am going to conduct a roll call and ask each board member participating in this meeting to state your name and your location. Fairfax Village in the City is a city-supported, volunteer-driven program developed to support Fairfax City residents aged 55 and older. A draft of the minutes of the October, 2019 meeting was located, along with archives for minutes and other (non-financial) records for the years 2009 to 2019. A sample form of board of directors meeting minutes is included in the appendix to this alert. Creates thank you letters for each donor, and other correspondence, prepares board and committee agenda packets, board items, and meeting minutes.