Free first shareholder meeting minutes template for the organizational meeting of your new corporation. This policy establishes a systematic procedure for accepting and reviewing applications from persons interested in serving on Boards and Commissions.For rental of the San Jose Convention Center, see our Meetings page, which includes venue specs, service highlights and contact information. On December 11, 2018, the City of San José voted to adopt the Energy and Water Building Performance Ordinance (BPO). 1. Decide which GROUP Orientation Meeting you will go to. In recognition of SHPNA's 40th year, the Meeting will be held in person for the first time since 2020. This year's itinerary includes direct service to and from New York, Miami, Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, and for the first time at AGS, Austin. Service Line Inventory - We Need Your Help! San Juan Unified would like to invite parents and students to take the annual district climate survey. The survey is available in multiple languages.