The Dispute Resolution CenterĀ“s goal is to serve the community as a resource for resolving disputes of all kinds. Mediation is a structured process in which an impartial person, the mediator, facilitates communication between the parties to promote reconciliation.Venue for any mediation or lawsuit arising under this Agreement shall be in Bexar County, Texas. Any agreement reached in mediation shall be. In this Court, the parties present three issues: (1) whether their agreement to arbitrate is enforceable, (2) if so, whether the courts must. On June 20, 2008, Fretz filed suit in the 45th Judicial District Court of Bexar County, Texas seeking to confirm the arbitration award. Please indicate if you are filling out this form as: Authorized Agent. Fiduciary. A city charter amendment was on the ballot for San Antonio voters in Bexar County, Texas, on November 6, 2018. Mediation is an out-of-court process. Out in this Agreement. III.