A mandatory binding arbitration clause in a car loan states you agree to resolve any disputes with an arbitrator rather than the courts. The New Car, Used Car, Wheelchair, and Farm Equipment Lemon Laws provide a legal remedy for buyers or lessees of new and used cars that turn out to be lemons.Does your dealership do these forced arbitration agreements? If so, how do you approach them? The first "HashitOut" clause ever written. Use a sample Motion to Compel Abritration or let the SoloSuit's software draft a customized Motion to Compel Arbitration for you. What was the price of the car? How much did you pay? To find your arbitration clause, read the fine print, look for dispute resolution key terms, and utilize the CFPB's credit card agreement database. The typical arbitration agreement provides that the parties shall submit any disputes that may arise between them to arbitration.