The arbitration of claims can take several different forms in Pennsylvania, but can be generally categorized as either compulsory judicial arbitration. An agreement to arbitrate a controversy on a nonjudicial basis shall be conclusively presumed to be an agreement to arbitrate pursuant to Subchapter B.Our original ClauseBuilder online tool assists individuals and organizations in developing clear and effective arbitration and mediation agreements. Section 7375 - Arbitration agreement (a) Requirements. Download our arbitration agreement template so you can help protect your business from costly and time-consuming litigation. II. Arbitration Laws. 4. III. WHAT EXACTLY ARE WE DOING WRONG WHEN WE DRAFT clauses that are supposed to keep disputes out of courtbut that don't keep disputes out of court? Ā§ 4904, relating to unsworn falsification to authorities. Dated. Plaintiff. DISCLAIMER. Manor Care of Elizabethtown, PA, LLC provides an example of what criteria may render an arbitration agreement invalid under Pennsylvania law. No particular form is prescribed.