"SCBA" means the Suffolk County Bar Association. E. "Arbitrator" means a person who serves as an arbitrator under the Program.In arbitration, a trained, professional, and neutral arbitrator acts as a judge who will render a decision to end your dispute. Section 8 of the Law provides that parties may include in a written agreement a grievance procedure with binding arbitration. Generally, whether a claim is subject to arbitration is a decision for the court, not the arbitrator. Individuals and companies enter into a mutual agreement to arbitrate claims as a means for keeping their disputes and resolutions out of the courts. The forms listed below are used in civil and criminal cases in the Superior Court. They are for lawyers and for people who do not have lawyers. Means the development to be carried out pursuant to the. Permission. But first things first: An arbitration agreement is a contract in which you give up your right to bring certain claims to court.