You want to give at least a two weeks' notice. The employer is not required to continue employment to fulfill the "courtesy" two (three) week notice of resignation.Enter the resignation and effective date on appropriate employment records. However, it is considered unprofessional to quit without notice. Atwill employees can quit at any time with no notice. However, it is customary to give two weeks notice (or even more if you hold a high level position). In this article, we cover everything you need to know about writing a resignation letter without notice and provide an example to get you started. Can an employer terminate me without advance notice or without giving a reason or an unfair reason for the termination? Accepting a resignation early without paying the employee for the notice period can have consequences, if the employee gave more than two weeks' notice. There are no federal or state laws that require an employee to provide two weeks' notice to his or her employer before quitting.