Handbook on Georgia Practice with Forms presents a thorough treatment of all basic practice matters and forms utilized in civil cases in Georgia. Georgia Law Enforcement Handbook: Criminal Law and Procedure, 2024-2025 ed.Discover Georgia law books on state regulations, judicial rulings and legal guidance. This shows you exactly where to highlight your books and what to focus on, skipping anything that doesn't pertain to the test. This combo prep course includes absolutely everything you need to pass your Business Law and Project Management Exam. This Handbook provides an overview and answers common questions about Georgia residential landlord-tenant law. The normal fulltime credit load is 12 to 18 semester credit hours in the fall and spring semesters and 3 to 8 credit hours in the summer term. C.G.A. §18-4-7) prohibits employers from terminating an employee on the basis of a single garnishment. Not authorized to practice law in the State of Georgia, but who is. The person for whom or over whose property you are guardian or conservator is referred to in the law and in this Handbook as the WARD.