"Law on the books" refers to the written laws that a nation or state must abide by, while "Law in action" describes how a law is applied or enforced. Law in the books is a relatively simple concept.It is the law as it is written. (A) "Compensation" means money, thing of value, or financial benefit. They always have a wall-to-wall showing of law books and I was wondering if you actually use them or if they are just for show to the clients. The books of federal law are the United States Code, a regularly published set of books. What follows is a general guide to Ohio's open-government laws – the 2024 Sunshine Laws Manual. The new law eliminates the "duty to retreat" as long as an individual is in a place where they lawfully have a right to be. Recognized as the most essential work in Ohio. Our collection includes Ohio practice materials including Ohio Revised Code, local ordinances, court rules, and other specialized handbooks.