This book is for entering law students and law school orientation programs about how to study law. The one book I'd recommend for an incoming law student is Scott Turow, One L: The Turbulent True Story of a First Year at Harvard Law School (1977).It takes readers on a journey into the inner workings of the first year of law school, as seen through the lens of an actual student. The textbooks for first-year law classes usually include cases and excerpts of cases from across the country. Setting Up Account Information. ELC has updated our annual "Back to School Guide" with publications on multiple education topics to help students, families, and child-serving professionals. Last year, we received over 6,000 applications for the approximately 250 places in the first-year class. Students who apply to Penn. But if you do not want your hat or hoodie taken in the first place, don't wear it to school. For payment through your Bursar account, select Student Financial Aid in the billing screen.