The Utah Contractor Education reference book for the Utah Business and Law examination. An essential annotated reference tailored to criminal law practitioners with comprehensive coverage of Utah criminal laws and rules.The online course is self-paced, giving students the flexibility to start and finish at their convenience within a one year time frame. To locate legal forms, make sure you know the basics about your situation (eg, what you want the form to accomplish and what laws apply). This combo prep course includes absolutely everything you need to pass your Business Law and Project Management Exam. Pre-Highlighted and Tabbed All the books for your specific exam. This book contains eight chapters corresponding to our eight Utah Law classes in our pre-licensing course and our CE classes. This comprehensive text explains Utah Notary laws and procedures in easy-to-understand terms and provides recommendations and tips for worry-free notarizations. This title gives you a complete set of Utah state rules, along with over 16,000 helpful case annotations to reduce research time.