The Sports Law Certificate is a specialty certificate designed to prepare law students for a career in the broad area of sports law. Sport law programs include coursework in licensing, trademarks, copyright, endorsements, real estate, labor negotiations and contracts.Our courses examine issues ranging from contract negotiations for professional and amateur sports teams and athletes, to licensing and intellectual property. It is unlawful for any person attending a professional sporting event to do any of the following: (1) Throw any object on or across the court or field of play. The Certificate in Forensic Science fosters student interest in applying scientific knowledge and skills of biological anthropology to legal issues. The law requires that a person have a "reasonable suspicion" that a child has been the subject of child abuse or neglect. In the upper division, students can select from a wide variety of course offerings. This provides an excellent opportunity to explore areas of interest. 1. To know the laws governing the domain of sports 2. To understand the regulators of different sporting bodies in India and the world. 3.