US Legal Forms is a very valuable tool, especially for a small firm like mine. It is like having another legal assistant.A new online help center in Cuyahoga County will assist people with family law matters, such as divorce and child custody. Learn how to complete the forms you need to prepare for your final termination of marriage hearing in Cuyahoga County Domestic Relations Court. Brand new this week, most of the forms on the Cuyahoga County Domestic Relations website are now interactive as fillable pdf forms. The forms may be adequate but if you dont fill it out exactly right it could be worthless. On Wednesdays, you can also print your forms at the Law Library, which is located on the fourth floor of the Cuyahoga County Court House at 1 W. Lakeside Ave. Attorneys in this Unit frequently litigate cases with statewide impact in the Supreme Court of Ohio. Ask them to fill out and sign a declaration. Contact the Office Today for a Free Consultation!