The Master of Science in Forensic Science program provides a rigorous core curriculum with a multidiscipline approach. This course introduces students to the basic principles and uses of forensic science.This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of techniques and procedures used for forensic document examination. HFSC welcomes you to explore our forensic services, learn more about what we do, investigate employment opportunities or contact us. As a Forensic Science major, you'll learn how to collect and analyze evidence from crime scenes so it can be used in court cases or the criminal justice system. This two-year program prepares students for a career in Law Enforcement. Upon successful completion of the program, students obtain an AAS degree. This degree will provide students with the knowledge needed to pursue graduate studies in chemistry or related fields. If you have been criminally charged, our Texas ACS-CHAL forensic lawyer-scientist at Ayson Law Firm can provide the specialized legal advice you need. Madonna's FEPAC-accredited Bachelor's in Forensic Science degree develops expertise in the sciences and its application in the criminal justice system.