Complete Online Application: Complete the online application and upload valid government photo IDs (link below). 3. You need to provide identification and possibly proof of age.Same-sex couples can finally share in the freedom to marry. Each county has at least one location where couples can apply for marriage licenses. This pamphlet describes what steps must be taken to enter into a covenant marriage. Answer: In Maricopa County you and your future spouse will need to go together the clerk's office to obtain your marriage license. Form No. Instructions: How to Fill Out Papers for Dissolution of a Non-Covenant Marriage (Divorce) with Minor Children, DRDC10I. Below you will find state-by-state links to marriage license requirements and related information. 4 Officiate a Wedding and Fill Out the Maricopa County Marriage License. Form No. Instructions: How to Fill Out Papers for Dissolution of a Non-Covenant Marriage (Divorce) without Minor Children, DRDA10I.