A driving without a license ticket can carry harsh penalties in Maryland. Immigrants who do not have valid US Citizenship and Immigration documentation are eligible to apply for a non-compliant driver's license or identification card.It is unlawful to hunt without a valid hunting license in your possession unless you are exempt from this requirement as described in this section. To determine if you need a license, contact your local Clerk of the Circuit Court or call the State License Bureau at 410-260-6240. Under Maryland law, it is illegal to drive a vehicle without license plates, even if the vehicle is legally registered. Misdemeanor Offense: Possessing a firearm without the required license in Maryland is considered a misdemeanor offense. They must sign the application if they fill it out. To maintain a license to practice law in Maryland, attorneys must fulfill several annual compliance requirements. The legal requirement for the trader's license can be found in the Business Regulation Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland, Section 17-1804. Baltimore Maryland 21215 - 2346.