The forms, services, and materials provided in the SelfServe Center and this website are for you to legally represent yourself. Find Local Rules and Forms that provide procedures and guidelines for courts in Mecklenburg County.ECourts comprises several enterprise-level software systems that work together to provide integrated case management for courthouse officials and employees. Permitting, plan review and inspections for building, electrical, mechanical and plumbing work in Mecklenburg County. Here's what you need to know about this law. Chapter 1 Civil Procedure, Chapter 1A Rules of Civil Procedure, Chapter 1B Contribution, Chapter 1C Enforcement of Judgments, Chapter 1D Punitive Damages. Lawyers with an odd year of admittance (e.g. Complete the contact form or call us at 704-342-4357 to schedule your free consultation. The CMPD oversees the enforcement of various ordinances that provide safety for the citizens of the community. NC General Statutes Table of Contents.