Read Rule 1.16 - Declining or Terminating Representation, Ohio R. Prof'l. Cond. Throughout the legal profession, it is well-known that legal malpractice claims in Ohio must be commenced within one year after the cause of action accrued.Certain consumer laws require sellers to provide cancellation rights to consumers who enter into contracts for specific goods or services. In a 457 account, like Ohio DC, you can withdraw your funds, penalty-free, after terminating employment with your employer. Upon entering school, students are required to present certain documentation. Will not overrule a living will if you have both documents. Are there any decisions about my health care treatment that my agent cannot make? Applicants to The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law frequently indicate that Ohio State is their first choice for a legal education. If you wish to direct medical treatment in other circumstances, you should prepare a Health Care Power of Attorney. Facilities capable of withdrawing more than 100000 gallons of water per day (70 gallons per minute) must register with the Division of Water Resources.